Calling all Coaches, Health Professionals, & Network Marketers!

Are you ready to get your business automated online to maximize (or expand) your revenue streams so you can create the 6-figure business you have always wanted while spending most of your time with your family? 


YES! Iā€™m ready to automate my business!









If you have been feeling swamped with your to-do list wondering how most successful entrepreneurs are making money working fewer hours, yet you can’t seem to see how that’s possible for you, you are in the right place!

There is a reason you are stuck but it’s easier than you think! 

If you are ready to learn how to work more efficiently so you can help more people, earn more money, and get back more free time in your calendar… 

Then it's time for Build a Blissful Business

This simple 7-step system is guaranteed to help you launch your biz or maximize (or expand) your revenue streams and strategically automate your business so you can spend more time with your family while growing your revenue to 6-figures and beyond.

Yes! Iā€™m in!

Most people are struggling to get their businesses online and set up in a way that is scalable, to generate 6-figures and beyond while working less than part-time hours, because they are not implementing one key thing.

Before I share that KEY secret with you, do you mind if I ask you a question?

Which one of these sounds like you…

You want to reach people far and wide.

You either want to launch a business or you have an offer or products you sell but it seems no one knows you exist and you are afraid the market is oversaturated and there is no room for you at the table but you know you can help people near and far.

You want another revenue stream. 

You have reached your capacity with taking on clients and want to expand your brand with a digital offer (course, workshop, program, educational center, etc.) but don’t know where to start or how to sell it.

You want better systems and automation.

You know there is a smarter way to set up your business so you can spend less time on tasks and more time on building relationships but you don’t know how. 

You feel burnt out.

Your business isn’t giving you more time but rather it’s taking you away from your family. It’s causing resentment and burn out and you are afraid if it continues this way you will quit altogether. 

You want a professional website. 

You know you need a better website but you lack skills when it comes to design and copywriting and want someone to show you exactly how to do it so it converts people into customers!

You want repeat customers.

You want your customers to turn into lifelong repeat customers that refer others to you but are feeling like it just might not be in the cards for you.

My guess is that you resonated with a few of these, if not all. 

And if that’s the case then I know exactly why you are struggling in your business!

But it’s not your fault! So please don’t be too hard on yourself. 

You grew up watching your parents work 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year. You were told to work hard now to enjoy the fruits of your labor later. “Hustle if you have to! It will pay off,” they told you. 

But you know 40+ hours a week doesn't mean a 6-figure business because if that were the case, every person you know working 40+ hours a week would be earning 6 figures and living their dream life. On the flip side, you have also seen 7-figure earners hardly working!

Success doesn't take more hours worked, it takes implementing KEY strategies and simple tools to make it all come to life in less time… 

If you don’t learn these strategies and get access to the tools to make this easier for you, you will find yourself in the same place a year from now…

  • Questioning if you will ever be successful.
  • Still thinking you need to pour more time into your business to get the success you want. 
  • Resenting your work because it’s causing you to sacrifice bedtime routines and weekend outings because you have so much to do and not enough time. 
  • Constantly feeling guilty as your family labels you a “work-a-holic” but you're just doing this for them. You're putting in the work now to have time with them later....  

But that will never be the case... because that’s not how successful people operate. Successful people don’t work more to make more. They work smarter to make more.

Successful people know that strategically automating your business is the KEY to scaling your business to 6-figures while spending most of your time with your family.

The best part is…

having a 6-figure business working only part-time hours is possible for you! 

We can teach you how.

Imagine what your life would be like if you had...

  • An automated business that allowed you to take Fridays off and keep your working hours to 2-4 a day! 
  • A beautiful website that would educate prospects and turn them into paying customers while you are sleeping. *hello nap time!*
  • Multiple revenue streams so you can stop worrying about how you are going to pay off your credit card debt.
  • A brand so aligned and clear that whenever anyone asks what you do, there is no hesitation and you know exactly what to tell them.
  • A strategy in place that keeps you from second-guessing your every move. 
  • The time freedom to spend every afternoon and weekend phone free with your family.
  • The financial freedom to take multiple vacations a year so you never have to argue with your partner about taking a beach trip or a ski trip again because now you can do both!

If this was your business you would feel excited and free, wouldn’t you? 

It might even feel like a weight was lifted off your shoulders and you were doing exactly what you were put on this earth to do. 

You are adding thousands to your bank account every week, making enough to pay for your kid's college, retire your spouse, or take that dream vacation to Bora Bora without even looking at your bank account.

You have a streamlined business that is working for you on autopilot so you can attend every basketball game, get 9 hours of sleep every night, and always take Fridays off without ever feeling guilty.

You're changing thousands of lives with your products, services, or programs. You receive daily DMs from customers thanking you for the impact you have made! You are finally living out your purpose and making a difference in this world so you can leave it better for your children. 

The moment you have your business set up online with a website, have streamlined your systems, and are automating your everyday tasks, you instantly feel the relief and freedom you have been dreaming about.

But here is a very important note:

Getting this all set up on your own when you have never done it before is a lot harder than you think. 

It takes years of trial and error and self-discovery to learn the methods that actually work. 

Sure, maybe you could Google your way through it, but where do you start and how do you know they are giving you the right information to build your business? 


So how do you do it? 

How do you set up your business in a way that allows you to work incredibly efficient so you can spend most of your time with your family AND start generating the life-changing income you think about every day? 

The answer is NOT to continue what you are doing in hopes you figure it out. 

The answer is NOT blaming technology and the "I don't know how" mentality.

The answer is certainly NOT sacrificing more time away from your family

The answer is…

(formally known as Digital Duplication Academy)

This simple 7-step system is guaranteed to help you launch a biz or maximize or expand your revenue streams and strategically automate your business so you can spend more time with your family while growing your revenue to 6-figures and beyond.

BBB is not a fluffy, let me talk for a long time so you feel like you’re getting more, kind of program. 

It’s a strategic 7-step process where we show you exactly what to do and how to do it so you can set up your business in a way that lights you up, automates the sales process so you can make money while you sleep, and leaves you with a professional website you are proud of that makes you stand out in a crowded market place and gets your customers to buy. 


Megan joined BBB to streamline and automate her Beach Body business but quickly realized this program would help her launch additional offers she had been dreaming about.  

This program is for you if you relate to any of the following:

  • Want to launch an online business but you don't know how or where to start.
  • Have a business but there is too much to do and you can't seem to grow it without sacrificing more time. (And you want more time back.)
  • Are interested in automating your business so you can spend more time with family but aren't sure where to start.
  • Would like a professional high-converting website that turns people into customers on autopilot.
  • Have a business with a website and automation but you can't seem to get people to buy your offers.
  • Know that with some guidance and support you can do anything
YEP, that's me!

This program is NOT the best fit for you right now if you:

  • Don’t have 3-4 hours a week to dedicate to your business.
  • Want to get rich quick. 
  • Aren't willing to learn new skills. 
  • Want someone to do all the work for you.
  • Aren't willing to ask for help when you hit a roadblock. 





So if you are ready to strategically automate your business and scale to 6-figures and beyond…


Have you dreamt of waking up to new sales?

It’s 100% possible for you and we’ll teach you how inside...

Build a Blissful Business

You’ll get step-by-step training that will have you feeling confident in your offers and lead-capturing website, a strategically automated process that fosters lifelong customers that buy again and again while you are spending most of your time with your family making memories.

What people are saying about BBB...

Here’s a look at the curriculum:
(Value $15,999)

Step 1

Millionaire Mindset

Break the Barriers Holding You Back from a 6+ figure business

There are many things keeping you stuck from generating the 6-figure business you dream about. If you want to reach 6-figures in the next year, you have to be able to get unstuck quickly.  

In this step, you will discover:

  • What is REALLY holding you back and how to overcome your limiting beliefs so you can build the business you deserve (and are fully capable of).

  • We’ll also teach you simple yet highly effective ways to get unstuck quickly so you don’t find yourself wasting time with little progress or quitting before you reach your goals.

“Loved the mindset activities! It really gave me awareness on how to shift my mindset from overwhelmed to kick-starting every day with a positive ‘let’s slay the day’ attitude”

Crystal B - Ceramist 

Once you have a millionaire mindset you move on to…

Step 2

Build Your Blissful Business Foundation

Your success depends on getting the foundation RIGHT!

If your business drains you, sucks up all your time, and isn’t giving you the fulfillment or the financial gains you have dreamt about, this is a tell-tale sign your foundation needs work.

It’s one of the key areas that keeps your business from growing or makes it hard to find the “right” customers.

When done right, you will start to notice your perfect customers coming out of the woodwork, everything you do will feel fun and effortless and you can grow to 6 or even 7 figures without stress or burnout.

In this step you will:

  • Get complete clarity about your brand, who you serve, and how you serve them. 

  • Set your business up in a way that feels incredibly aligned with you and allows for multiple revenue streams without feeling pigeonholed or like you are leaving money on the table.

“I’ve done many branding trainings but after the first lesson I knew this was different and I had so much clarity I never had before.”

-Dawn P - Life Coach

Once the right foundation is laid and you have clarity on what your business should look like and who you serve it is time to…

Step 3

Develop An Offer So Good It Sells Itself

Whether you are coming in with an existing offer ready to sell or just an idea, you will leave this step ready to launch your offer in under 30 days so you can start earning money before you even finish this program!

In this step you will:

  • Align your current and future offers with your desired lifestyle so you don’t find yourself creating something that causes you pain and agony but rather enjoy a blissful life with multiple revenue streams that sell effortlessly.

  • Apply our million-dollar launch sales mechanism strategy to your offer so it easily sells itself. This method is the opposite of what everyone teaches and its tripling conversion rates. You will finally feel confident and excited to sell. 

    *If you sell products and have never thought about having multiple revenue streams, this step will inspire you to create your own offer and teach you how to leverage it to bring in more customers to buy your products and more revenue for your family. I'll teach you our unique strategy that will allow you to do both seamlessly so you can double your revenue with half the work.

“They helped me see that something I was already doing for free could turn into a paid offer!”

- Jordan B - Network Marketer & Now Coach

Once you have clarity on your offer it’s time to set up your…

Step 4

7-Figure Funnel

Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up every morning to new subscribers and sales? This step makes it possible for you to start growing your email list on autopilot so that when your offer is ready, you already have a list of eager people ready to buy!

We'll teach you how to apply the same strategy that we used to generate over $3.5 million in sales on autopilot using a strategic automated funnel.

By the end of this step, you will have:

  • An irresistible freebie that even the most stubborn person is dying to trade their email for.

  • An email series that turns your potential customer into a paying customer while you are out to brunch with your bestie.

  • A growing list of quality leads that actually buy!  Plus, learn our 4/1 method to supercharge your lead generation in no time.

    *Includes pre-designed Canva Template Freebie's (guides, checklist, planners, etc.) that make it easy to create a professional looking freebie without having to hire a designer. Plus, the pre-written email templates are plug-n-play style making it easy to write like a professional copywriter in minutes. 

“I sold out my first program just one month after launching my website and as they finished they were asking for the next program to buy!”

-Megan K - Corporate Leader and Wellness Coach.  

Once you are set up to build your email list, you will move on to…

Step 5

Writing High-Converting Copy

You could have the BEST program in the world but if you aren’t positioning it in the right way, you won’t make a dollar.  Let's face it, no one cares about your offer unless you give them a reason to care.

Your messaging matters so we are going to teach you how to write captivating copy to build an audience that wants to buy so you can stop wasting time on people who aren’t really interested.

There are multiple key pieces we consistently see missing in people’s website copy that are costing them sales. It’s the difference between a website that converts and one that sits in the interweb collecting dust. 

In this step, you will learn:

  • How to write heart-centered sales copy using sales psychology and marketing strategies that get people to say YES

  • Copywriting skills that will turn everything you write from emails to social posts, opt-in pages, and your website into fire hot copy that converts. 

    *If writing isn't your forte, it can feel daunting. “What do I say and how do I say it?” It’s like permanent writer's block. That’s why we created copywriting templates and tools to make writing easy even for non-writers.

    We will even teach you how to leverage AI (Artificial Intelligence) like ChatGPT and Jasper to speed up this process.

  • Plus how to improve your SEO (search-engine-optimization) in seconds using AI so more people can find you without having to pay for ads so your website can turn into a money-making machine while you are sleeping!

“I struggled for a year and after the training and templates I wrote my website copy in just a few hours over a few days!”

-Marianne H - Wellness Advocate

Once the writing is done it’s time to…

Step 6

Create Your Stand Out Brand Guide

Your “look” has a lot of weight when it comes to getting someone's attention, especially in this digital age where you are competing with thousands of others for your consumers' attention. 

You need eye-catching visuals to elevate your brand and set you apart from your competition.

This is also a critical piece to gaining confidence in your brand. If everything you create looks haphazard you won’t want to share it and no one will want to read it. 

But what if you don’t have a creative bone in your body? Not a problem!
  • With the step-by-step training, tools, and templates we provide in this step, you will feel like a natural-born graphic designer knowing exactly how to design everything you put out there making a cohesive look with all you do and give your customer the best visual experience. 

“I paid someone to do my website and I even approved the colors but didn’t like it in the end. I used this course to re-do it myself and I LOVE it!”

-Dawn P - Life Coach

Now that you feel confident in your brand esthetics you are ready to put it all together and…

Step 7

Build a Profitable Website Without Knowing a Thing About Tech

Having a clean and clear multi-page website is a critical part to working fewer hours and earning more money.  BUT there are many things non-web designers, like yourself, miss when building out their website that prevents your customers from taking action. 

Did you know people come for the design and stay for the copy?

That means your website design is the first thing to get them to take a longer look at what you do.

Did you also know there are some common design practices that actually cause people to instantly shut down and leave your site? 

In this step we teach you how to:

  • Avoid these mistakes so you don’t send your perfect customer running. 
  • Tailor your site design to get every personality type to take action. How you set it up and where you put certain information matters so we will show you exactly what to do to maximize your success.

    *If the tech scares you or has been holding you up, we get it. We weren’t born on devices either! We were once right where you are trying to “figure it out” taking 5 times longer than the experts just to find ourselves crying at our desks in frustration. 

    But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. 

  • We will teach you the tech step-by-step so you can stop letting this be the thing that holds you back.

“My website is now my happy place and I have more time to focus on the things that matter!"

-LeahAnne H. - Network Marketer

“Having a beautiful website and professional-looking material allowed me to increase my rates  for my consulting business by $1000 per day helping me earn far beyond my investment in no time.”

-Kristina S. - Literacy Coach and Wellness Advocate

Most importantly...

by the end of these 7 steps, you’ll have a strategically automated business that attracts your dream customers and gets them to buy on repeat while you’re toasting Rosé with your friends. 

You’ll finally have what you need to build a 6-figure business while spending most of your time with your family.


What people are saying...

We also have some extra “goodies” for you! (Valued at $8182) 

The 7 main steps will completely transform your business. But that is only the beginning. 

When you enroll in Build a Blissful Business you will also get 8 bonuses that make this process even faster and your success even easier.

Lifetime Community Support (Value: $2997)


If you are like any of our other BBB students you might be worried you will buy this program but won’t ever finish. Our super-engaged and vibrant community will be your cheerleading squad, accountability team and safe space, all rolled into one to help you stay on track and complete what you set out to do. Your first 4 months will be in our accountability group and then you will graduate to our Alumni group. 

LIVE Coaching Calls 
(Value: $2000)


Access to Krissy, Claire and the coaches to help you along the way. In addition to community support, enjoy LIVE monthly calls for the next 4 months so you never have to second guess yourself and feel 100% supported in this process. 





Private App Access (Value: $497)


I know your schedule is busy and you wanted this set up like yesterday. Enjoy easy on-the-go access that allows you to listen when you’re walking the dog or sitting in the school carpool line so you can get to the finish line faster.



Comprehensive Digital Workbook and Roadmap (Value: $197)


How many times have you bought a course and still felt lost only to find yourself not completing it. This Roadmap makes working through the program simple and systemized so you know exactly what to do and when. The digital workbook stored in the ‘cloud’ allows you to access and work inside it wherever you are. 


Website Page Templates

(Value: $997)

Get access to 6 key website page templates for Kajabi, AttractWell or GetOiling. If you are using one of these platforms you will be able to upload our templates in seconds to eliminate hours of tech. If you are using another platform we will provide training to teach you the strategies behind these pages but you will not have access to templates.


LifeTime Access to BBB Training and Bonuses (Value: Priceless )


Lifetime access to the entire program and bonuses so you never have to feel behind. We know that unexpected things happen that pull you away from your work. You have to care for a parent, you get sick or injured. With lifetime access you can pick back up any time you need, to finish what you started.


Tech Tutorials
(Value: $997)


Never wonder how to tackle the tech again. If we recommend a platform for you to use, we will show you exactly how to use the tech step-by-step so you can have an automated business!

Follow-Through Framework  (Value: $497)


Resources, support, and special guest expert training to give you the tools to make sure you actually complete all 7 steps!



Start networking and grow your business bigger & better each day.

PLUS ā‡Ø 4 months access to Accountability  Circles


If you are like most of our BBB Clients you have a deep desire to connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs to collaborate with and keep learning. 

When you enroll in Build a Blissful Business, you will get access to our BBB Alumni Networking Community so you can connect with and collaborate with other high-performing entrepreneurs like yourself. 

If you are wondering how you will keep the momentum going after you are done with this program, this is how.  


This special last-call bonus will also give you access to quarterly networking events led by Krissy and Claire and exclusive invites to guest expert trainings so you can keep learning as you grow.









Enroll in Build a Blissful Business!

Ok, you might be thinking that is a TON of stuff and it all seems a little overwhelming! 

What is overwhelming is tackling all of this without guidance from leaders like us. 

We created BBB to eliminate the overwhelm... to make success easier for you, not harder! 

It’s designed to make your transformation from a struggling entrepreneur to a 6-figure CEO, simple!

We offer a unique approach where every lesson builds upon one another making it easier to complete each step and reach the finish line faster.

So if you are finally willing to make the commitment to yourself, your family, and your business I promise this is the fastest way to reach 6-figures while spending most of your time with your family. 

We believe in it so much we’ll guarantee it! 

You’re protected by a 120-day money-back guarantee

Investing in your business can feel scary. I get it.

You may worry, “What if this program doesn’t work for me?”

I promise that with everything we provide, you will be able to get your website up and running and your business automated. 

But you have to show up and put in the work.

And that’s why, if at any time during the first 120 days, you feel that Build a Blissful Business didn’t live up to its promise of helping you automate your business, just email our team that you’re dissatisfied with the content, attach your completed workbook, submit your completed website, and we'll refund you. The only catch is that you have to do the work, and the reason is simple... nothing works unless you use it. 

So if you're committed to taking action, then this is one of the most incredible guarantees you'll find. 

Because it gives you a full 120 days to:

  • Go through all the video lessons
  • Gives you time to implement what you learn 
  • Get the help you need when you're stuck  

Okay... now that all the risk is off your shoulders, you're probably wondering... 


Build a Blissful Business may not be cheap, but it will be much more cost-effective than hiring someone to write and design your entire website for you, which could easily cost over $10,000. Plus, hiring out a website build won’t teach you the strategy behind it all which is what allows you to turn your business into a 6-figure business.

If you feel like your business is too new to invest in a website, this is what new business owners constantly get wrong.

It’s the professional website and automations that will allow you to sky rocket your success. 

This isn’t a $300 branding course that helps you create a niche and leaves you wondering how to actually grow your business. 

It’s the big kahuna that gives you everything you could possibly ever need to set up your business from the ground up in a way that gives you countless hours back with your family and puts more money in your pocket. 

This is a small investment that pays off 1000x over when you apply what we teach. You could even make back your investment within the first 30 days if you follow the steps and give it your all.

When you take all this into consideration and think about what this program could mean for your future, it’s an easy choice. 

Build a Blissful Business is usually $5,997.  


because you are reading this during our big promotion of the year

we are taking $4000 off!

Was  $5,997

Only $197 today!

11 additional monthly installments of $197.

Or choose the Pay in Full option for $1997 and save $367

That’s right!

When you join Build a Blissful Business by Monday May 1st, at 11:59 pm, you can join us for as little as $197 today! 

12 Month Payment Plan


12 payments of: $578 

Only $197 Today

(11 additional monthly installments of $197)

  • Easy-Pay Payment Plan
  • Lifetime access to the 7-Step program 
  • Lifetime access to 8-bonuses 
  • Live Coaching Included

Total value over $23,000 now only $197 today!



Pay in Full

(Saves $367)

One payment of: $5997 


  • One-time investment
  • Lifetime access to the 7-Step program
  • Lifetime access to 8-bonuses
  • Live Coaching Included

Total value over $23,000 now only $1997 today!



Have a couple of questions before you hit “purchase”?  



Let’s address the most common questions, shall we?

How it works


Once you join Build A Blissful Business you will get instant access to:

  • All 7 Core Steps 
  • All 8 Bonuses
  • Accountability Community.  Your accountability circle will be assigned on May 2 for weekly check-ins but you are welcome to get started on the content earlier.
  • LIVE Coaching Sessions will be held May 17th, June 7th, July 19th, August 23rd from 1-2:00 pm EDT. 
     (replays available if you can't attend live) 

NOTE: LIVE support will be available for 4 months (May-Aug) but you will have lifetime access to all training and templates.

When you are finished with Build a Blissful Business you will walk away feelingā€¦

  • Empowered, capable, and excited for your business to start a new chapter of growth. 

And you will have...

  • A well-thought-out and intentional business that lights you up.

  • The knowledge, know-how, and plan to launch your own offer or Educational Center and Community Area with a built-in strategy that fosters an engaged community of lifelong customers.

  • A beautiful yet original website that attracts your ideal customer and does the heavy lifting for you.

  • Automation set up to save you countless hours on everyday tasks allowing you to serve more people in less time so you can make an impact and scale your business. 

This is the life-changing magic that’s waiting for you.

Here's everything you're getting when you enroll in Build a Blissful Business today! 

  • Instant access to the 7 BBB core steps includes training videos and exercises that will transform your business into your dream business! AI training included! (Value: $15,000) 

  • Lifetime Community support including Accountability Pods to hold you accountable and stay on track to complete what you set out to do + the BBB Alumni Group. (Value: $2997) 
  • 4 months of LIVE Coaching Calls so you can ask the experts and never feel lost. (Value: $2000)
  • Private App Access for easy on-the-go listening. (Value: $497) 
  • Comprehensive Digital Workbook and Roadmap to tell you exactly what to do when and allows you to work from anywhere. (Value: $197) 
  • Website Page Templates for Kajabi, AttractWell, & GetOiling to eliminate excess hours of tech. (Value: $997) 
  • Tech Tutorials to show you exactly how to use any program we recommend step-by-step. (Value: $997)

  • Follow-Through Formula resources and special guest expert training to give you the tools to make it easier to complete this program faster.  (Value: $497)

  • Lifetime Access to BBB Training and Bonuses so you never have to feel behind no matter what unexpected life event slows you down. (Value: Priceless)

A total value of over $23,000! 

I have never seen a program like this before...

Build a Blissful Business is your ticket to doing things differently, efficiently, and effectively. 

We have mastered what it takes to launch the perfect offer, create a wildly profitable website, and get more time back in your day. 

We have first-hand experience with running a digital products, coaching, and services business along with previous experience in Network Marketing. We know what is working now on the internet when it comes to marketing and sales, and how you can apply these strategies to your business right now...

Results that are waiting for you inside Build a Blissful Business. 

Hi, it’s Krissy & Claire...

...sisters that have been perfecting growing online businesses for over 8 years. 

We started where you are. No idea how to launch a business, create a website, spending hours and months, and years, figuring it out. Now that we have reached the level we have, we can see where the holes are and bridge the gap for you so you don’t have to struggle as we did

We have taken our expert knowledge with growing businesses online through a website, lead magnets, and an effective onboarding process and put it together so you can hit the big giant easy button.

By building a wildly profitable and automated website with perfectly aligned offers we have been able to leave jobs that weren’t serving us, travel the world for months at a time, and purchase a second home to make lasting memories with our friends and family.

We truly have built a blissful business.

This is it!

If you don’t join you’re saying no to endless possibilities.

Why waste another 6 months trying to figure it out on your own when you could learn from someone who has been there, done that and is handing you the easy button.

Here’s the hardest question...

If you could have figured it out by now on your own,  you wouldn’t be reading this right now, would you?

How much more time do you want to let pass before you have a real and effective way to serve and grow your community online?


12 Month Payment Plan


12 payments of: $578 

Only $197 Today

(11 additional monthly installments of $197)

  • Easy-Pay Payment Plan
  • Lifetime access to the 7-Step program 
  • Lifetime access to 8-bonuses 
  • Live Coaching Included

Total value over $23,000 now only $197 today!



Pay in Full

(Saves $367)

One payment of: $5997 


  • One-time investment
  • Lifetime access to the 7-Step program
  • Lifetime access to 8-bonuses
  • Live Coaching Included

Total value over $23,000 now only $1997 today!