Create a high converting website

in 1/2 the time.


Join the most HIGH-TOUCH group program for coaches, health professionals, and direct sellers to help you build your website, convert leads on autopilot, and launch an educational and community center that fosters lifelong customers that purchase again and again.

And you don't need to be a tech wizard to make it happen!


It’s time to stop dragging your feet and take action on getting your website set up so you can thrive online.

Digital Duplication Academy

  • Build a website in a flash.

  • Convert leads on autopilot.

  • Foster an engaging community.

  • Duplicate with ease.

Enroll Now!

Kristina Seeley

"It was so fun to see 13 of my ideal customers opting into my lead magnet within 2 hours of launching it on my website! Couldn’t have done it without this program and the help of Krissy and Claire!"

Melody Risser

"You need this! This is a must-do as you develop your business website - from branding to customer support! Do it as early as possible!"

Tell us if this sounds like you…

  • You want a professional website but you lack skills when it comes to design and copywriting.
  • The thought of anything techy overwhelms you but you want to learn. 
  • You have a busy schedule and finding time to “figure” out new things is non-existent.
  • You are frustrated with the crickets in your Facebook groups
  • Your team seems to be standing still and you are ready to turn it around.
  • You want your customers to turn into lifelong repeat customers that refer others to you. 
  • You want a thriving education and community center but haven’t made the time to set it up and the thought of doing so paralyzes you.

Then you’re in the right place!

The good news is, I have cracked the code to make all your troubles disappear at lightning speed.

Imagine what your life would be like if you had...

  • a beautiful (non-template looking) website that draws in your ideal clients all day and night and gets them excited to learn more from you. 
  • the perfect lead magnet that grew your email list while you slept.
  • the ability to turn those leads into customers on autopilot.
  • (for you MLMers) a thriving community of educated product users that fell in love with their products and want to become Brand Partners.
  • (for any entreprenuer) a thriving community of engaged customers.

All of this is possible for YOU!

Are you ready for your business to be changed forever in such a good way?

We know this whole “online” thing feels super overwhelming... 

That’s why you need step-by-step instructions to take out the learning curve and get right to the finished product. 

We know you are fully capable of figuring out how to build a website, email sequences, and a membership educational community...

but why spend months “figuring it out” when you can have someone place it right in your hands. 

We know you are tired of feeling overwhelmed about building a website and want to catch up with the times and get your business operating online...

 So let us walk you down the fast track. 

All you need to do is trust the process, show up ready to learn, be dedicated to doing the work, and we’ll handle the rest!

Introducing the Digital Duplication Academy

A comprehensive program that will have you feeling confident in your lead capturing website and proud of your automated process that fosters lifelong customers who buy on repeat.

Sign Up NOW!

Martha Hernandez

"Do it! Participating will have an impact on the way you see your business and the way you share your business."

Suzie Webb

"By doing this course it will save you time and money in the long run"

Here is what you will get lifetime access to inside Digital Duplication Academy:


Phase 1 

Website in a Flash

($5000 Value)

The reason website creation is hard and takes so long is because you have no copywriting or web development training.

But it doesn’t have to be hard or take forever. 

Speed up the process and get amazing results when you use our step-by-step training and templates.


  • The "Pre-work." Complete branding training to give your brand a unique look and help you attract. the perfect customer.
  • ‘Home’, ‘About’, and ‘Contact Me’ copywriting templates designed by a professional copywriter. 
  • Customizable Web Page Design Templates* that allows you to create a beautiful, non-template-looking, website in a flash! 
  • Branding guide and Canva template to make customizing your site to fit your style effortlessly.
  • Customizable Canva Templates to make creating images needed for your site fast and easy.
  • Step-by-step training to help you accomplish your goals in a fraction of the time. 

*Design templates are designed for GetOiling, AttractWell, and Kajabi. If you use another platform you will need to build out your website pages. This will add extra time to the process.



Phase 2

The Irresistible Lead magnet  

($4000 Value)

What’s a website if it doesn’t help you capture emails and turn your warm leads into paying customers?

But with all the “freebies” out there, how do you get anyone to grab yours?

We have the irresistible answer. 

This Phase teaches you everything you need to create that irresistible freebie that will have your visitor begging you to take their email address.

This module includes:

  • Training to teach you how to create an irresistible freebie that no one else offers!
  • Customizable Canva Templates to make creation fast. 
  • A guide to help you create an effective marketing and sales email sequence to turn your warm leads into life-long customers!



Phase 3 

Digital Duplication: Effective Educational and Community Center  

($4000 Value)

We know social media is causing stress in your life. Your FB groups are not as effective as they once were. FB is blocking your posts and hiding them from your community causing crickets in your group and sales volumes to plummet.

You need a NEW option and the solution is here! 

Adapt our onboarding process to fit your team or communities' needs and watch your business flourish.

When done the right way, an Educational and Community Center empowers them to learn, engage, take action, and duplicate or refer more people to you.

Your Educational and Community center training comes with…

  • Proven onboarding system to turn your new customers into life long customers.
  • An onboarding email sequence template designed to get your new customers connected and engaging on autopilot within minutes. 
  • Built in strategies to get your customers on your monthly auto ship program or saying YES to your next offer.
  • Canva Templates to keep your Educational and Community Center on brand.
  • Training to ensure you have a duplicable process.

*Step-by-step training for GetOiling/AttractWell & Kajabi Included.

Yes! I want DDA!



4/1 Method to Supercharging Lead Generation

Just because you build it, doesn't mean they will come. Learn our 4/1 method to drive more organic traffic to your website and supercharge your lead generation.

TOTAL VALUE: $13,499  

Course Price: $4,997

Limited time

Special Offer: $997

or $197/mo x 6 months


Upgrade to the VIP LIVE experience today!

You will get everything listed above in DDA...

 Phase 1: Website in a Flash ($5000 Value)  

 Phase 2: The Irresistible Lead magnet ($4000 Value)

 Phase 3: Digital Duplication: Effective Educational and Community Center ($4000 Value)

 BONUS: 4/1 Method to Supercharge Lead Generation ($499 Value)



PLUS up to 5 Extra Bonuses! (Value $8,288)

BONUS: 8 weeks of live coaching and community support ($5,500 Value)

Includes 20 LIVE coaching calls with our team of experts (replays available) and an active community for support. 


BONUSPicture Perfect ($97 Value)

Learn how to take website-worthy pictures with your smartphone.

BONUS: Quiz Quadrant Workshop ($297 Value) 

Get Quiz Expert Linda Sidhu’s exact framework she uses to create a quiz so you can have a fun quiz to grow your email list and have your new community feeling like you are reading their mind. 

BONUSExpand Your Website: 3 bonus page templates ($197 Value)

Enjoy 3 additional pages for your website: My favorite Products, Work with Me, Featured Freebies. 

BONUS*: Private 1:1 Branding session ($197 Value)

Enjoy 1 private coaching session with our brand and business strategy coach.

*This bonus is only available for those that choose to pay in full.

TOTAL VALUE: $21,787  

Course Price: $5,997

Limited time

Special Offer: $1997

or $197/mo x 12 months

Pay in Full includes one private 1:1 branding session.

Sign me up with Pay in full
Sign me up with Payment Plan
Video Poster Image

"Before this program, I had a stock website and all these ideas but hadn’t put any of them into action. DDA helped give me a road map for where to start and where to go with my website without having to start from scratch. It taught me about the importance of defining your brand/values and then gave me tools to do that, and provided invaluable extra content from the coaches — answering questions I didn’t even know I had. I now have a beautifully unique website. But most importantly, Krissy and Claire helped me see the value I bring — helped me see that something I already do and was offering for FREE can be turned into a new revenue stream — they helped me see the bigger vision for my business!"    ~ Jordan Baesler

I have never seen a program like this before...


Digital Duplication Academy is your ticket to doing things differently, efficiently, and effectively. 

We have mastered what it takes to create a wildly profitable website. 

We have first-hand experience with running a Network Marketing business and a digital products, coaching, and services business. We know what is working now on the internet when it comes to marketing, and sales, and how you can apply these strategies to your business right now. 

Results that are waiting for you inside Digital Duplication Academy. 

What people are saying...

Have a couple of questions before you hit “purchase”?  



Let’s address the most common questions, shall we?

How it works


Once you join the Digital Duplication Academy VIP Experience you will get instant access to:

  • All three Phases and additional bonuses.
  • 8 WEEKS of additional support in the DDA Community from a team of branding, copywriting, and design Coaches. (Coaching starts right away!)
  • 20 LIVE sessions (2-3 weekly). One will be dedicated to website design/logistics and the other for copywriting every other week we will have an additional call for branding and strategy. If you can’t attend live, no worries, you can submit your questions and watch our reply on the replay.

Ashley Burns

"Do this program if you are unsure of your brand or target audience because it really forces you to figure that out and solidify it!"

Pat Coner

"Get in there and get going. It's a miracle"

When you are finished with Digital Duplication Academy you will walk away feeling…

  • Empowered, capable, and excited for your business to start a new chapter of growth. 

And you will have...

  •  A beautiful yet original website that attracts your ideal customer.

  • A free offering and email funnel that draws in that perfect customer ready to buy and helps convert them from a lead to a paying customer. 

  •  A well-crafted and intentional Educational Center and Community area with a built-in strategy that fosters an engaged community of lifelong customers.

  •  A process that can be duplicated throughout your team.

This is the life-changing magic that’s waiting for you.

Let’s take you out of overwhelm and instead help you build that wildly profitable website and get your team growing with ease so you can live out the life you dream of.


Googling is one way to figure it out, but when you need to get it all done at lightning speed, you need the fast track step-by-step and easy-to-use training and templates.

You can either...


Keep chugging along feeling lost



You can get a little uncomfortable, make the commitment, and put the pedal to the metal.

The fact of the matter is, it comes down to you deciding. 

Taking advantage of this will open up a new world of possibilities.

Hi, it’s Krissy & Claire...

...sisters that have been perfecting growing online businesses for over 6 years. 

We started where you are. No idea how to create a website, spending hours and months, and years, figuring it out. Now that we have reached the level we have, we can see where the holes are and bridge the gap for you so you don’t have to struggle as we did

We have taken our expert knowledge with growing businesses online through a website, lead magnets, and an effective onboarding process and put it together so you can hit the big giant easy button.

By building a wildly profitable website we have been able to leave jobs that weren’t serving us, travel the world for months at a time, and purchase a second home to make lasting memories with our friends and family.

This program is for you if you:


  • Want to build a unique website that stands out online
  • Want to grow an email list of super hot leads
  • Don’t know what steps to take next but are willing to learn
  • Want a new solution to social groups
  • Want to do things differently
YEP, that's me!

This program is NOT the best fit for you right now if you:


  • Are not ready to dedicate 5-10 hours a week to your business
  • Want a done for you service
  • Are looking for that quick fix 
  • Want to get rich quick 
  • Aren't willing to learn new tech skills
  • Aren't willing to ask for help when you hit a roadblock


I’ve got you covered

 With the 21-day money-back guarantee. This means if you’ve gone through the program and implemented everything, and still don’t find the program valuable, you will be refunded. 

You just have to actively put in the work and show us. Okay?

See terms and conditions for the full refund policy.

The Digital Duplication Academy Training Only

TOTAL VALUE: $13,499  

Course Price: $4,997

Special Offer: $997

(Start for as little as $197 today!)

  • Phases 1, 2, 3 Training (lifetime access)
  • Supercharge your Lead Generation with the 4/1 method (lifetime access)


  Digital Duplication Academy + VIP Live Coaching 


TOTAL VALUE: $21,787  

Course Price: $5,997

Special Offer: $1997

(Start for as little as $197 today!)

  • Phases 1, 2, 3 Training (Lifetime access)
  • Supercharge your Lead Generation with the 4/1 method (Lifetime access)

5 additional bonuses

  • BONUS 8 weeks of live coaching and community support from a team of experts. (12 weeks when you pay in full)
  • 20 LIVE sessions (2-3 weekly). individual calls for branding, copywriting, & design. Can’t attend live, no worries, you can submit your questions and watch our reply on the replay. (30 sessions when you pay in full)
  • Picture Perfect Training (lifetime access)
  • Quiz Quadrant Workshop (Lifetime access)
  • Expand Your Website: 3 bonus page templates (Lifetime access)
  • Pay in Full bonus: 1 Private 1:1 Branding session (only available for those that choose the Pay in full option)

 Digital Duplication Academy (Training Only)

TOTAL VALUE: $13,499  

Course Price: $4,997

Special Offer: $997

(Start for as little as $197 today!)

  • Phases 1, 2, 3 Training (lifetime access)
  • Supercharge your Lead Generation with the 4/1 method (lifetime access)

   Digital Duplication Academy + VIP Live Coaching 

TOTAL VALUE: $21,787  

Course Price: $5,997

Special Offer: $1997 

(Start for as little as $197 today!)

  • Phases 1, 2, 3 Training (lifetime access)
  • Supercharge your Lead Generation with the 4/1 method (lifetime access)
  • BONUS 8 weeks of live coaching and community support from a team of experts.
  • 20 LIVE sessions (2-3 weekly). individual calls for branding, copywriting, & design. Can’t attend live, no worries, you can submit your questions and watch our reply on the replay. (30 sessions when you pay in full)
  • Picture Perfect Training (lifetime access)
  • Quiz Quadrant Workshop (Lifetime access)
  • Expand Your Website: 3 bonus page templates (Lifetime access)
  • Pay in Full bonus: 1 Private 1:1 Branding session (only available for those that choose the Pay in full option)
BUY NOW (Pay in full)
DDA VIP Live Coaching Payment Plan

This is it!

If you don’t join you’re saying no to endless possibilities.

Why waste another 6 months trying to figure it out on your own when you could learn from someone who has been there, done that and is handing you an easy button.


Here’s the hardest question...

If you could have figured it out by now on your own,  you wouldn’t be reading this right now, would you?

How much more time do you want to let pass before you have a real and effective way to serve and grow your community online?

DDA + Live Coaching (PAY IN FULL)
DDA + Live Coaching (PAYMENT PLAN)