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BNB 35 | Less Indecisive

Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #35 How To Be Less Indecisive And Make Better Decisions Faster In Your Business

mindset Mar 14, 2022

It is pretty normal to have second thoughts when running a business. But what you should always aim to do is become less indecisive in the face of the many consequences. Without setting sights on bigger goals, there would be absolutely no growth. Join Krissy Chin as she talks about the dangers of not taking action and drowning in overthinking. She explains how making the smartest business decisions could deliver the right impact not just to you but to the entire community as well. Because most of the time, staying where you are could cost you far more than taking some risks.


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How To Be Less Indecisive And Make Better Decisions Faster In Your Business

We often sit and overthink everything. We become indecisive in the face of fear. That's one of the most important times to be able to exercise decisiveness. We're going to talk about being indecisive, the cost that it can have on your business. How to move out of that overthinking state and become more decisive so that you can be more productive in your business and achieve more in your life?


It’s the last day to get into the Scale to 6 Coaching Community. If you're a course creator, you have a membership offering, you're in the process of creating a course or launching a membership, then this coaching community is for you. My goal is to help you get your digital business, scaling to six figures and beyond while helping you work less hours so you can enjoy a whole lot more.

If you're looking for support, someone to guide you through and teach you the skills and strategies that you need to reach your next goal, then you have a personal invitation from me to come join us. The doors will be closed and when we reopen, the price will go up. Don't waste any time. It’s the time to be decisive. Maybe I should have waited until the end of this episode to ask you to jump in.

A Natural People-Pleaser 

I'm excited that you're here with me because being indecisive can be crippling, not just in your business but in life as well. I'm excited to talk about this and help you learn some ways to transition out of being indecisive and be more decisive so that you can do more, feel more empowered and live your best life. I grew up as a natural people pleaser. I came from a family of people pleasers. We wanted everyone to be happy. We are more inclined to take that step back and let someone else make the decision because we know that as long as they're happy, we're happy. Is there anyone with me on that?

Growing up, we would do pizza night every Sunday night and everyone would have their friends over. I have a couple of friends. I grew up with three sisters. We all have friends over. I think it was X-Files night. Wednesday night was Party of Five and Beverly Hills, 90210. I'm totally dating myself. Then Sunday was X-Files night but my mom would make homemade pizza on Sunday night. We each had two friends over or fifteen-ish people would be there.

She would go around and ask each person, “What do you want on your pizza?” She would be writing it down. “Krissy, two pieces of ham. Phil, two pieces of pepperoni, onions and mushrooms.” Another person, “Green peppers, Hawaiian, pineapple.” She would have all these toppings. You would get to make your own pizza but it wasn't mini pizzas. It was a big pizza. She was like, “Here are two pieces.” She would do that.

She was totally the people pleaser. I love her for that but this is how I grew up, wanting to make everyone happy, not wanting to ruffle any feathers, no confrontation. Let's keep the peace and please everyone. I find it trickling into my life as an adult, my desire to want to please people. I grew up in that environment. It was comforting and nice. This happens with my husband and me all the time when it comes to eating out. Maybe you can relate to this but I always want to be the first one to say, “What do you want to eat?” I don't want to be the one to have to make the decision.

First of all, he's way more picky than I am. I have food sensitivities. One might say that maybe I'm pickier because I can't eat gluten or dairy. However, I'm super laid back and chill. I'll find anything to eat. Take me to a sandwich shop and I’ll ask for a piece of lettuce, some Turkey, a bag of chips and I'm good to go. Take me to an Italian restaurant, I'll get a salad. “Hold the cheese please.”

Taking forever to make decisions can be detrimental to your business.

My husband grew up with a family that owned restaurants and he lived in Chicago for many years. He was naturally raised on amazing food. He is picky, whether he admits that he is or not because nothing is as good as what he grew up on but he always wants me to be happy. He too likes to ask, “What do you want to eat?” It's always this race to ask first. We know that on Thursdays we're eating out because the kids have swim lessons. It's a tradition to go to Chick-fil-A. I cannot eat any more Chick-fil-A.

Thursdays is eat out night. We get to some lessons and we meet there because he comes from work. The second we sit down in the chairs to watch, I'm like, “What do you want to eat?” I'm always trying to beat him to the punch. It's us trying to make the decision or it's me trying to make decision based on what he wants. I become super indecisive and then we grow hungrier. Twenty minutes go by. We end up settling on Chinese. If it's Thursday night and you're wondering, “What are the Chins doing?” They're out some lessons trying to figure out what they're going to eat. We'll inevitably be going to end up on Chinese food.


I find that I let this happen in my business. Inevitably, I lean towards being a little bit more indecisive. I have the inability to be decisive at times. It takes forever to make a decision about something because of a lot of factors. Wanting to make others happy is one of them. Not wanting to make the wrong decision is another one. Not wanting to upset people goes in line with being happy. What are other people going to think? There are many different reasons why but these habits that maybe we grew up with are not healthy for a business owner. If you're not working on your personal development as a business owner, then we got to talk but I think you are. You're reading this episode and you knew it was a personal development one.

You're the CEO of your company. You have to be the one to make the decisions. You can brainstorm and bounce ideas off of other people. That is great and you should do that but at the end of the day, you have to learn how to make the decision for you and your business. Taking forever to make the decision can be detrimental to your business. Even I find myself getting caught up in overthinking.

How many of you are overthinking things? You're second guessing your next move. You're not making decisions fast. I'm pretty sure it took me about three months to come up with the name, Build a Profitable Course. It was one of the first titles I came up with but then I had a whole list of them and I just was like, “I don't know what to do. I don't know what to call it.” One day I decided I have to start talking about it on my show because I won't move forward with creating it unless I start talking about it.

I started calling it Build a Profitable Business, thinking that maybe I'll change it but I have to start talking about it and then it stuck, which is totally fine but I was way overthinking it to the point that I was using it as an excuse to not move forward. Think of something that you're struggling within your business with making a decision on what to do. What is that thing?

If you decided to make a decision so that you could move forward, I guarantee even if it's the wrong decision, you'll make more headway than if you just sit around for three months trying to decide what to do. A lot of times in order to get clarity, we have to make that decision and feel it out to know if it's the right or wrong decision. For the longest time, I was being indecisive even where I wanted to take this coaching business and what I wanted to focus on as I evolved. Did I want to focus on courses and membership site creation or did I want to focus on helping people with systems and process?

I kept going back and forth with, “I don't know what to do.” I didn't release anything for my business for an entire year. I kept going with this show, but I had created Build a Blissful Business, the course that helps you with branding, getting your business online, setting up your website but then nothing else because I was like, “I don't know what direction to go. I'm just going to keep doing a show and sit on it.”

To get clarity, you have to make that decision and feel it out to know if it's the right or wrong thing to do.

For an entire year, I had one product and then I made the decision. “I'm going to focus on helping people with their courses and their membership offers.” That's what my experience is in, what I'm an expert in and what I love doing with people. “I'm making the decision. I'm going to go for it.” In doing that process and making the decision, I realized that I could do both of the things or lots of the things that I was trying to decide between this or that.

I'll be able to teach you both systems and process, how to work more efficiently as you create and build your brand, your business, your digital products so that you can work less, enjoy and earn more, which is the reason why you're here and why you tune in. My main focus will be supporting you and everyone else through building those digital products, courses and membership sites. Instantly, instead of not making any moves in my business, when I decided to be decisive and make a decision, even if it's like, “I don't know if this is the right one but I'm going to go with it and go for it,” things started happening.

I picked the launch date to open the doors to Scale to 6 Coaching Community and doors will be closed. I made a plan to launch, build a profitable course and then have plans to launch a course to help people build a thriving membership. If anyone has any suggestions on names, I don't want to sit on that one for three months. Go ahead and send them my way. Deciding to be decisive took me from one product in my business for an entire year to four and in just a couple of months, it should be six, which is huge.

If you only have one offering, then you're sending someone down a dead-end path. They took your course and then that's it. That's the end of their journey with you, but if you develop a product suite that supports them ongoing on their journey, then you can take someone down that never ending path of greatness, involvement and achievement as they continue to work with you at each new stage in their journey. Stop being indecisive about who you want to serve and what you want to do.

Don't worry about what other people are going to think. If it's the right thing, ask yourself, “Does it align with my values?” Hopefully, you've written down some values for your business yourself. “Does this align with my vision? Will I enjoy doing it?” If the answer is yes to those, then go for it. Make the decision to try it out. Feel it out.

Another one that I find people getting stuck on is hiring help. This is another example. They're indecisive if they want to hire someone, who they want to hire or what they want to hire out. “What should I do first? I don't know.” You sit in this overthinking or second guessing mode. You become indecisive and then you never hire someone. Don't get me wrong. You don't want to hire the wrong person. That's why maybe you seek guidance and help.

The Big Fat COI 

It's something that I'm sure we'll be talking about in the Scale to 6 Coaching Community. The longer you linger in your indecisiveness about growing your support team, the longer you get stuck with everything in your business. You can't scale, work less, enjoy and learn more. This is where the big fat COI comes into play.

I don't think I've talked about COI very much on the show. I know I've mentioned it maybe once on my social stories. It was the first time that I had heard of COI, which if you're still thinking like, “Krissy, why are you still using the letters? I don't know what it means.” My husband always says that. “Don't use acronyms. Most people don't know what you're talking about.”

Whenever I hear someone use an acronym, I'm like, “I don't know what that means.” Don't worry. I'll tell you what it means. Most of the time, we talked about ROI a lot, Return On Investment. Maybe you already knew that one. When you invest in XYZ, what financial return are you going to get? What time return are you going to get? Those are some great questions to ask yourself but most people forget to think about COI, the Cost Of Inaction. That often comes from being indecisive. Being indecisive typically comes from fear. “What if I make the wrong decision? What if no one shows up? What if no one joins my program? What if I wasted all this energy and it doesn't work? What if I put in the effort and I decide it's not really for me?”

You just delay and then no one does show up because you never created something for them to show up in the first place. I think it's Mel Robbins that talks about The 5 Second Rule. I'm not talking about when your kid’s food falls on the floor and you have five seconds to pick it up and eat it. It’s not that role. Her rule is super simple. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, then you must physically move within five seconds or your brain will kill it.

The longer you linger in your indecisiveness, the longer you get stuck with everything in your business.

This is the Mack Daddy rule when it comes to being decisive. If you're thinking about launching something, act within five seconds. Get up. Get to a place where you can start working through it or open up your calendar to start looking at launch dates. She physically wants you to get up, take action and do something within five seconds. Open up your email and send that email that you need in order to get moving on that next step. Join the community that will guide, push, hold you accountable and celebrate with you.

Another great exercise is to think about what that COI or Cost Of Inaction will cost you. I do this with my private clients a lot. PS, this is also the secret to a successful sales call but we'll save that for another episode. If you do not take action and fill in the blank, what is the cost? If you drag your feet on creating your first course, what is that going to cost you? I have them think about it, tell me and work through that. The financial cost, the emotional cost, the physical cost, everything because the decisions that you make affect lots of areas in your life, not just one.

Let's look at the financial cost. If you launched a $200 course and sell five courses a month, then that's $1,000 a month. It will cost you $12,000 over the year by not doing it. If you don't have that $12,000, what will life look like? Maybe it will look like what it looks like now. Are you okay with that? Maybe you can do a lot with that $12,000. Maybe you could take your family on a vacation that you haven't done in forever. Maybe you'd be able to fly there because you can only drive. What is it that you could do? You could have less stress with just paying your everyday bills because of that extra money coming in.

Think about that. Maybe that stress is causing turmoil between you and your partner because you are both stressed about money. Would that extra money help release some of that stress so that maybe you wouldn't get at each other all the time about it? What is the cost of inaction? Think of every little detail. What if you're thinking about launching a membership site? You keep dragging your feet because you don't think anyone's going to sign up.

I totally said that before. “I'm going to launch this thing and hope someone shows up, at least one person. If I can help one person, then that will be a success.” You're getting in the way of making the decision to move forward and this will show up in a lot of different areas. You'll be indecisive about the name of your course or your membership, on the price and on what you want to include. They'll be indecisive on setting up that funnel, all in the name of fear most of the time.

Let's say you want to launch a membership and charge $25 a month. Your goal is to fill that membership to 100 people. $2,500 a month times 12 months, that's a $30,000 cost of inaction. Arguably more because once you have that created, maybe you have that next step in your product suite. If we can put this monetary value on our cost of inaction and our indecision, that might help us make the decision. Be decisive.

If money is not your driver, that's fine. Maybe you have a deep passion to serve more people in your community. What does that cost of inaction on your community if you don't launch your course and membership, if you don't create that workshop, if you don't host that virtual summit, whatever it is that you want to do, if you don't start that show? If you teach families how to have a better relationship with their child and you can only serve ten people a month, you're dragging your feet on that course or that membership and you have the ability to serve 100 people a month if you were to launch it, your cost of inaction could affect 90 families.

If you could be more decisive quicker, you could help 90 more families a month to have better relationships with their children. That would impact generations down the line. The next time you have to make a decision and you feel indecisiveness creeping, you’re overthinking and second guessing, I want you to ask yourself, “Am I being indecisive because I'm afraid? What am I afraid of? What will happen if that thing I'm afraid of happens, then what?” You play the and then what game where it takes you down this path. You realize that it's not so bad.

The decisions you make affect lots of areas in your life, not just one.

You have survived and then you can make the other decision but at least, you know because you decided. If that doesn't help you become decisive, then I want you to put a value on it, either how much is it going to cost you monetarily if you stay indecisive or how many people is it going to affect in a negative way if you stay indecisive? That could be your customers, your community that you're serving if you don't offer them that knowledge, skill and advice that you have to offer. It could be your family members because you don't take action.

How many people is it going to affect? If you need more support, turn to your community, share what you are struggling with and see if anyone has any insight. Sometimes we just need a little validation that what we're doing is a good idea or a little brainstorm session. Someone throws out an idea that triggers a different idea for you and that's the one you decided to go with. It's the reason I created Scale to 6 Coaching Community because brainstorming, throwing out ideas and gathering together to give insights and thoughts is helpful.

Get your booty in Scale to 6. Go to We're going to have monthly trainings for you. You can ask the community and me anything. Anytime, we're going to have monthly Q&As. It's a place to learn how to scale your business to six figures but also a place to be able to network, to collaborate and to celebrate one another. It can be lonely out there behind your computer at your house or at the coffee shop.

When your friends are looking at you sideways because they don't understand what you're doing or what you're talking about, that's when you log into the community space. You meet up with your new friends there. We try and help each other make the smartest decisions possible for our business but at the end of the day, you have to make the final decision. I hope that this episode was helpful. I hope that you have some tools and ideas on how you can be a little bit more decisive, whether it's using that 5 Second Rule, whether it's going through that value ladder. “Does it align with my values and my vision? Will I enjoy doing it? If it's fear-based, is this coming from a place of fear? What do I fear? What will happen if that happens? Then what?”

Make a decision. Sometimes it takes taking that action and playing it out to see, “This feels good and aligned. This makes sense.” Sometimes it's playing it out and saying, “That wasn't quite the right thing. Let's move this way.” I want you to do anything that you're thinking about, try and be a little bit quicker with your decisions. Try not to overthink and second-guess it. Follow your gut, your intuition and make the move.

If you need support, you know where to find me. I am here for you. I will see all of those that jump into Scale to 6 inside the community. We'll be getting to work right away. I can't wait to see you. Thank you for being here. As always, if you want to support the show and what I do here, please subscribe, share with a friend and tag me on social media. That's about it. We'll see you next time.


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About Krissy Chin

Krissy Chin is known by many as the go-to business strategy coach & consultant for those who want to create digital products and work more efficiently in their business. From building a multi-million-dollar course and membership site, she has learned strategies to save time and scale through automation and building a team. Now she helps thousands across the globe build and scale their digital products business online.
There is nothing Krissy loves more than to help others embrace her “done is better than perfect” motto to get unstuck and take action to Build a Blissful Business so they can work less and enjoy (and earn) more!

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