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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #37 Make Your Webinar Convert: Why You Need The Trust Factor With Alexandra Ramirez

brand messaging Mar 14, 2022

What should you do to make your webinar convert and sell like crazy? Create a fun customer experience and use the trust factor. Krissy Chin’s guest today is Alexandra Ramirez, the founder of The Freedom Ad Agency. Alexandra is dedicated to helping coaches scale their businesses, make their webinars convert, and create freedom through Facebook and Instagram ads.

In this episode, Alexandra and Krissy talk about flipping the traditional webinar on its head and doing things a LITTLE differently to increase your results. Remember, people want connection and develop a trust factor with you before they become a page client. Tune in and discover how you can make that happen!


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Make Your Webinar Convert: Why You Need The Trust Factor With Alexandra Ramirez

Let's welcome Alexandra Ramirez. She is the Owner and Founder of The Freedom Ad Agency dedicated to helping coaches scale their businesses and create freedom through Facebook and Instagram Ads. We're going to talk about flipping the traditional webinar up on its head and doing things a little bit differently to increase your results and create a fun experience.


Alexandra, I'm super excited that you're here to talk about this topic.

I'm super excited to be here and talk to you guys all about ads because I know every single person that's reading is the master at ads, so it's great. It's not to scare people about ads. Nobody reading is being scared.

I tried to run ads. My sister and I did for our other business, GROworkspace, and I was too overwhelmed. I was like, "We need to hire someone." She was like, "I'm in." I was like, "We have someone that runs our ads." I've learned a lot through that experience of running them for our own business, but I'm definitely like, "Let's leave it to the professionals." We're going to get into some ad tips after we talk about this webinar because you have to promote something to run ads. We need to get that right first.

What a lot of people don't understand is that they start running ads for practically nothing. Trust me. Years ago, that would have been perfectly fine for you to run an ad to like a simple post or something, but nowadays, we have to be super strategic in the way that we do ads. We'll definitely talk about that for sure. Webinars and challenges are super important to get people into.

Every business owner fails in their business. It's what you do after you fail that's important. 

Before we dive into this, starting with the webinar and then we'll lead into ads a bit here, I want to know a little bit about your background. How did you get into focusing on this being your niche?

Let's rewind for a second here. My husband, Joe, was in the Air Force for 7 or 8 years. He ended up getting blood clots in his arms and he has one next to his heart. He has blood clots all around his body. We figured out he was diagnosed with three lupus and then two other blood disorders, which caused the blood clots in his body. What that meant for him was to get medically retired out of the Air Force. Even though he still makes some money, I knew that I needed to do something, whether that was to get a regular job, if that was to go back to school and then get a job, or if that was to do something else entirely.

At that time, I was a network marketer. I was in the Beachbody system, which is wonderful, but it wasn't for me at that time frame or anywhere from that kind. It wasn't for me. I eventually left that and then I started doing VA work on Fiverr a little bit. I went over to work with top coaches in the Beachbody area because I knew some of them. I contacted them and I knew that they needed some type of admin work of some kind. I wanted to dip my toes in that and so I started with that.


I moved on to working with actual coaches, like business coaches and life coaches. I started working with them and what they tend to do is launching their courses. I was a part of that process for a while. I started doing opt-in, funnels, and full-on launches with my clients. When you start to do that as a virtual assistant, you start to do other stuff on top of that. That included Facebook Ads. Once that started going, then I became a consultant for a lot of my clients in terms of Facebook Ads. At the beginning of 2020, I decided to open up an actual done-for-you advertising agency, which is The Freedom Ad Agency. Now it is. It has been amazing ever since.

What I love about your journey is that it's this long step-by-step journey. You did one thing and then you went with it. The doors opened for something else. You explored that and here you are now. A lot of people sometimes get discouraged because they're like, "I can't figure it out. I'm doing this thing, but it doesn't feel like what I'm supposed to do." I'm like, "Keep doing it. With action comes clarity." That has been my journey as well.

We both have a network marketing background and then it opened our eyes to other things and said yes to the opportunities. I'm always encouraging people to do that. I love that that's your story. One more example like, "It's not just me, guys." Alexandra has the same story like, "Now, I'm going to do this and try this. Now, this feels super aligned." Everything that you did before prepared you for what you are doing now.

Beachbody prepared me for running some business of some kind. That moved me into my virtual assistant business and then I started doing ads. I was like, "This is fun and exciting. Let me start doing consulting work on this." It was a step-by-step on what felt good for me at that moment. It was scary with every leap that I took, but I eventually decided, "If I wanted to create freedom for myself and not just financial freedom but also time freedom, then I would need to start doing other things other than virtual assistant work."

I appreciate that you said it was scary every step of the way because I also think that that's super relatable like, "They look like they have it all together and they're now running a successful business." Deep down inside, behind the scenes, this office is a mess. We are searching our way through like you are. I appreciate you.

I can even tell you I've worked with a lot of 7 to 8-figure coaches in the industry and network marketers. I can't tell you how many of them have the same limiting beliefs that you do. It's just a matter of they took action about something. That's it.

What are your words of advice for someone who is like, "I know there's still more for me. I have a purpose. I just know it. I'm not there quite yet. I'm working towards it, but I'm scared?"

It's scary to make those mistakes. Many people are scared that, if they took the next leap, whatever that is, if that's to get into another niche, start a business new, create a product, or whatever it ends up being, we get so scared in that space of, "What if this fails?" That's scary to think that, "What if this fails?" What's the worst that can happen if it fails? Maybe you lose a couple of clients or your income drops a little bit. That's when you shift back to whatever you want to do or you can change something else.

Go through the step by step of what feels good for you at the moment.

You got to let go of those fears because they're holding you back from anything and take that leap. I don't like to call it a leap of faith because you could fail. Don't get me wrong. You could fail, but it's okay if you fail because that's a mistake that happened. You get your butt back up, go to it, and do the next thing. I fail all the time in my business. Every business owner fails in their business. It's what you do after you fail. That's important.

For the people out there that have bombed and failed on a webinar, let's give them some tips. You talked about re-inventing the webinar. What are the first steps to re-inventing a webinar?

Let's talk about first what we've learned as far as how to create webinars. What we've been taught on how to create a webinar that sells is very much a broad marketing tactic, strategy, whatever you want to call it, that was taught for many years. Some people did it with a conference, like a full-on summit conference, for example, Tony Robbins. It goes all the way back.

We have these presentations and the way that you normally do them is like, "You're in the right place if." You want to get into the pain points of the person. You want to tell them the shifts that they need to make in order for them to do this and this or the three secrets or steps. We're taught a certain way on how to create a webinar because it "sells" and converts actual strangers into clients.

We're in 2021. If you're reading this a year later or five years later, it doesn't matter. We're changing the way that we do marketing so many times, especially because we're in a pandemic. We're starting to not even getting back to normal, but we're out of the lockdown. I feel like nowadays, people are craving connection more than anything and that wasn't the case a couple of years ago or before then. You could easily have an automated webinar that was the same thing that you recorded for last time's webinar and it still sells.

Nowadays, I know that many automated webinars are struggling. The reason behind that is because people want connection. They want to be able to have that know, like, trust factor with you before they could become a paid client. This also happens with a lot of women too. If you're marketing towards women, it's different from when you market towards men. It's totally two different ways. A lot of my clients, their ideal client avatar is mostly women of some kind.

When you're trying to sell on a webinar in order to create a know, like, trust factor, whether that's a live webinar or if it's an automated webinar, the first thing that you need to do is to create an experience, "What is it like to work with you?" That's what people want to know because they see the same exact title webinar on their Facebook Ads or newsfeed of some kind on Instagram or Facebook. Wherever you're posting about your webinar, they see the same thing over and over again.

In order to make yours different on why they should work with you versus the twenty other people that have the same niche, which is fine, I'm not telling you to change your niche. I just need you to create that experience of what it's like to work with you because how you're going to get people to buy from you is by showcasing yourself. You're selling yourself. That's what you are. That's what you're doing inside of a webinar. Let me give you a quick example of how this looks of how to create that experience.

Think back into what you want to be known for and your ideal client to see through you. An actual example that I'm going to give you here is I have a client who is amazing who has a webinar. At one point, we were trying to sell her signature course. When we were trying to sell, we were trying to figure out what we were going to do for the webinar. We tried different things, the same types of webinar titles that we're known for. It was three steps to something, that type of thing. This was when I started to figure out, "We need to make a shift into something else here." When we started doing that, that webinar did not work, at least not the way we wanted it to.


When I was talking to her, I was like, "We got to brainstorm this." I started thinking and I was like, "You're super good at writing posts that sell your high-ticket packages. Why don't you have a webinar that showcases to the consumer step-by-step on how to write a post that sells a high-ticket package? Walk them through that process. You're not giving them any secrets that are inside your course. You're not telling them the exact step-by-step process of the exact things that your course talks about. Walk them through what it's like to work with you and that's by showing them how to write a post that sells."

What does this do? One thing it does especially is to help someone. The consumer that's coming to watch your webinar helps them to know, like, and trust you. On top of that, let's say somebody wrote that post. They posted it, made a sale, or got a couple of people in DMs. What does that do for the psyche? That tells them, "I got a sale. I want to get more of these. Let me go buy her course because now she is going to teach me how to do more of these types of things."

I assume that that was a great lead into what her course was all about.

She already had her course beforehand there. It was already evergreen as far as the course, but we were wanting to figure out, "How do we evergreen the webinar part to get sales all the time passively?" That's why we wanted to create that experience. The old way of doing a webinar can still work in a live setting.

Was she not automating or did she ever automate her webinar?

Yes, it's still available now.

What I'm hearing there is the main thing of a webinar these days is you have to give people those quick wins and cause someone to be able to get results. If they're not purchasing by the end of your webinar when you do the pitch, which is the traditional way of doing it, and when they put that into motion and do the action of whatever you taught them and gave them that experience through the webinar, they see the results and they're going to be like, "I have to go back and grab more from Alexandra. Stephanie helped me so much. I have to go back to it." That's how it works.

You don't have to give them any tangible result like you don't have to give them actual money. For example, I have another client who has a webinar that we're talking about here, which is creating an experience. The way that she did it was that she audits them through the webinar and asked them questions, even though it's an automated webinar, she is asking them questions throughout the video to be putting it in their notebook and journaling that information down. It's why they're stuck at six figures in their business.

She will walk them through, asking them questions so they can audit themselves. She is not actually auditing them. She is walking them through how to audit themselves, and then they can be like at the end of the webinar, "This is why I'm stuck at six figures. I need to book a call with this person or I need to buy this course because she already helped me out to figure out why I'm stuck." It doesn't have to be an actual result of getting clients. It could easily be something along the lines of figuring what's wrong.

Both of these remind me of workshop-style versus just talking-head webinars. That's also what I'm teaching more inside Scale to 6. The community in there is that people are liking workshops where they can come attend and do something by the end of it. They have gotten clarity on why they're stuck or on the next steps. You've worked them through that process of creating a post and by the end, they can write a post that's effective.

Having it more of a workshop style is popular. Everything happens on trends like that's the trend. You might have to shift your webinar down the road, but that's fine if it works for a period of time. That's what matters. Not everything is going to work forever because times change. We have to innovate and be creative. I love that.

It's super important for you guys that when you do a webinar, you are making sure that you're thinking about the consumer at the end of the day. Stop thinking about you for a second because we tend to always go back to ourselves and all that kind of information. Thinking about the consumer can also make a difference in that as well because you could do so many things on everything.

If you think about it too, so many people know the next steps of what they need to do in their business. Let's say you're a fitness coach of some kind. They know that they want to lose weight. They probably already know that they need to eat healthier and they need to do exercise. Everybody knows the steps to that. However, they want to know with whoever they're going to work with is going to help them. Create that experience so that they know, like, and trust you in that manner.

The first question you need to ask yourself is “What do you want to be known for?”

What's your process for getting someone to come up with their idea for their webinar? People are like, "Sure, this is great. That sounds amazing. Now, what do I do next to figure out what's going to be that for me?" Do you have a question or something where that helps people get to that endpoint of like, "This is the webinar that I'm going to do?"

Think back to two things. One, what do you want to be known for is the first question you need to be asking yourself, "What do you want to be known for in terms of your business?" It's when people say, "Krissy, what do you want that one thing that you're going to be known for on helping somebody with?" The second thing is, if you don't exactly know what you want to be known for, think back to what your clients have said about you and what has come up.

For example, I'm known for making Facebook Ads very simple. If I was to create a webinar, I have to showcase that. I'm going to showcase simplicity. I'm going to showcase having a five-day challenge or a webinar that confuses somebody. I'm showing them the back of the ads manager and how to set up the iOS 14 updates stuff. That's way too confusing for someone.

I would rather showcase the best parts of us working together and then you can be like, "She made it feel super simple and I'm excited to work with her," and then you sign up to work with me. You can think back to those two things, "What do you want to be known for and/or what do people say about you?" That can help in terms of what you should be creating for the experience. At the end of the day, you have to think about, "How can I showcase what it's like to work with me?"

The reality is that a webinar or workshop is all a lead magnet. I love to think of it also you have your product that someone is going to buy. If you're in network marketing, that's your product through your network marketing company. If you're a coach, it could be your coaching program. If you're a course creator, it's that course or membership that you're selling.

Thinking about what's going to get that person to take action on that is to give them the very first step that preps them for that next thing, whether it's to book a sales call, jump in on your course, or go through the funnel to buy your product at the end, what is that first quick win that they need? Keeping this idea in the back of your mind that also gives them that experience of working with you of what it will be like moving forward is key to help you get to that point of, "This is what I should talk and teach about." Moving them through that process can be helpful as well.

I can even give you some quick examples too, so I can give two already. Another example is I will be doing a challenge. It's going to be around how to create a course and pre-sell it. It's not a webinar, but it's the same concept because you could always take a challenge and move it into a webinar. You could always change a webinar into a challenge.

At the end of the day, it's a freebie. You're just trying to get that know, like, trust factor and create that experience. It's going to be a five-day workshop in which I'm teaching them how to create a course and pre-sell it. What I'm trying to do is I have a program called Limitless Clients in which helps people on how to scale their online course and get limitless coaching clients. That's what the basis of it is.

I want to be able to get people into that group program that already have a course, but what about the people who don't already have courses? I want to get those people too. If I can help them create a course within five days and pre-sell it, then I can move into the next step. If they pre-sold a few spots because of what I taught them, that's automatically going to tell them that they should probably buy Limitless Clients, the group program. That's another quick example as far as what you can do for your freebie of some kind, whether that's a webinar and be able to create that experience.

You're getting them prepared to be at that next stage for the next thing. We talked about B2B a lot, business-to-business. It feels easy because other business people are willing to invest. Do you have any clients or examples that are B2C? It's someone who is like a health coach. That's a big one. Any examples that you could share on that?

I have a couple of holistic coaching clients of mine. One that in 2020 we worked with and she had a $160,000 launch, which was super cool. The way that she basically did it was that she walked them through of what it looks like inside of her program. It didn't even have to be a full-on outlying type of thing. If you're the type of person that likes to rant through things like that client of mine, she does that great. She loves to rant on whatever questions people might have. We've worked with multiple B2Cs but also B2Bs. It's super easy for us and they're easy to get results for. B2C is also amazing. It's just you have to do the same thing in creating that experience of what it's like to work with you. If they were to join your program, what would that be like? That's it.

I had a private client. I've talked about Linda before. If you guys have been reading the episodes, you've probably read about Linda from Breath Body Connection. She is a B2C working on breath and movement to decrease anxiety and build better relationships with people. She did a challenge. We worked on creating that together.


She came up with a five-day breath challenge. By the end of that challenge, she was very present and they did live calls through these five days. She had resources for them and then, at the end, pitched her course, which was also not just a standalone course. She did have weekly sessions with them. It continued the ability for them to connect with her more.

I can't remember what her conversion numbers are, but I was like, "When we look at this, this is the above-industry standard in terms of your conversion from the people that went through the challenge and ended up signing up for your course and program." That's another good example of taking that first step and giving them that quick win in whatever if it's a 5-day or 3-day challenge or 1-hour workshop session so that they can see, "This is what it's like and I want to move forward."

Especially if you're using ads because you're bringing in cold traffic, they don't know you. Video is great to build that know, like, and trust much quicker. Should we transition into ads? That's a good segue. I want to cover it because we were talking about things that don't work in ads. I was like, "I know this isn't an ads episode, but let's hit on this a little bit before we end."

If you have a freebie, whether that's a challenge or webinar, you're eventually going to have to move into ads. Talking about ads is something that I love talking about. Let's do it.

I know we've run into this issue before in terms of you put up an ad and you're like, "This is going to be amazing," and then Facebook is like, "Not approved." You're like, "What?" Let's give them some quick little things when you're writing your ads. What is Facebook going to be like that's a no-no?

Let me say this first. This is a quick disclaimer for everybody reading, whether you're a network marketer, business coach, life coach, health coach, or sometimes a business owner. No matter what it is, I would say it's like an initiation with Facebook to have a few things happen to you. That's a rejection of your ads, your business manager shutting down, your profile getting restricted, and any other disablelization of anything that has to do with ads.

It's an initiation from Facebook. There are ways to get it back and go around it, but I'm not going to talk about it here. That's a quick disclaimer of, "If it happens to you, don't freak out. It's not a big of a deal." I've had clients where we've never run ads before and then as soon as I click publish on the ads, her entire business manager disabled. I knew that the messaging was fine. Everything was great. I'm a Facebook Ads expert and it still happens to me. We get rejections all the time.

First of all, don't make it a big deal. Look at what you have as far as your copy is concerned and also your copy on whatever you're sending people into because those are the two things that the Facebook ad is looking at. It's hard to say because Facebook is never going to tell us like, "Don't use these words." They're never going to do that because they're always going to find ways to work around it. They would rather not tell us and say, "This is disapproved or this one is good to go."

Stop thinking about you for a second and think about your consumer.

There are some things that I have noticed that whenever I tend to take them out of the copy, that we get approved over the ones that messaging stays in. Some of those are, for example, a 9:00 to 5:00. You can't say something about a job or having a 9:00 to 5:00. That's something that they don't like. Another thing too is timelines. I don't care what it is. Whether you're a business coach, network marketer talking about income or a health coach talking about weight, you cannot use timelines. The timelines would be considered, "Lose 10 pounds in 10 days or make $10,000 in 10 days."

You can't use that in Facebook Ads. That's something to notice. There's a lot that I can go through in terms of keywords, but you have to think. Go to the Facebook policies. They have all of the policies up there. You can notice and see that information as far as what they accept and don't accept. You can look at your copy and see what in there constitutes as maybe a keyword that could be throwing it off. That's the bottom line.

There are still some times where I'm like, "It looks fine to me, so let me put in a review," and then it comes back saying, "No, we still don't like it." Even though we have the same ad running, but because that one was in, Facebook is weird. That's why you have to go around it as much as possible and try your best to get things approved.

They're changing all the time.

Especially with what happened with the iOS 14 update, there are a lot of changes that they are making and the algorithm is changing too.

That's a whole other episode. We can't talk about that. We're going to be way too long. There's too much, but this was amazing. This definitely gives some people some great ideas in terms of with whatever they're going to be selling, a course or membership, if they're pitching a sales call or like, "We'll help you call," and turns into a sales call to pitch your program that you've got some good steps to get started with, "What is that thing that I'm going to create that's going to draw people in that's going to give them that experience of what it's going to be like to move forward with me?"

Get them at least some result of some kind, whether it's clarity or they're able to do something after so that they can have that quick win. Remember that you taught them how to do that and showed them how to do and they're like, "I must go back and get help from whoever it is." Before we hop off, what is the best way for people to continue to connect with you and learn from you? Where are we sending them?

Two places that you can go to where I'm more located is Instagram. You can find me @TheAlexandraRamirez or you can also go to my YouTube channel. Look up Alexandra Ramirez and you'll find me. We're on YouTube. I have a whole bunch of content that you can go through. I don't hold secrets back on my YouTube channel or any of my content at all whatsoever. Feel free to go through those videos. I'm trying to push out more here pretty soon and that will give you a lot of information. Also, I do a monthly challenge. It might be different from where you're reading or I might have automated it by this point. It doesn't matter. You can sign up to that and we'll go over on how to start scaling your online business.

That’s and that will get you to whatever current challenge you are. Alexandra, thank you so much for being here. It has been fun. I learned a few new things. Our audience did too. You guys, now it's time for you to go thinking cap on, do whatever you need to do to get in your creative space, drive your car, go to bed early, lay in bed by yourself, or take a shower. Whatever your thing is to get you in your creative space, do that so that you can come up with the very best workshop or webinar that's going to draw in your ideal clients and lead them to that thing you want to send them to. Alexandra, we'll chat soon.

Thank you for having me. I'll talk to you guys later.

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