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BNB 4 | How to Repurpose Your Content

Badass Is The New Black (Season 4) Episode #4- How to Repurpose Your Content to Reach More People

brand messaging Mar 14, 2022

Creating good content is key to growing a successful business online but let’s face it, content creation can be super overwhelming! It takes time, creativity, and tech skills that we may not have. How do we keep up with so many platforms when we have to post on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Twitter and more? Who has time for that? Well today I’m going to break down how you can take one piece of content and transform it into ten in order to reach as many people as possible without burning out.


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How to Repurpose Your Content To Reach More People


Avoiding Overwhelm

You might be thinking that you simply don’t have time to do what it takes to grow your business on social media. However, there is a way to work smarter, not harder so that you can still reach the masses without losing your mind. The first step is deciding which platforms and content types make the most sense for you and your audience. Where is your audience on social media? If they aren’t the type to use Pinterest, then it won’t make much sense for you to spend time creating content for Pinterest! Choose your platforms and then you can set up a smart system for creating consistent and engaging content.


The Know, Like and Trust Factor

The purpose of creating content is to reach your audience. Only a small percentage of your audience will typically buy your product, service or course, which means you need to reach a lot of people in order to find those dream customers. Good content builds that “know, like and trust” factor that we need in order to connect with our audience and convert them into customers. 


Look at brands like Nike that are known around the world. I may not buy Nike shoes but I know that their shoes don’t just fall apart when you wear them because millions of people purchase from them which means they are trusted. If you are in Network Marketing and you are selling a product, it might be a product that a lot of people sell, so why should your audience buy from you instead of someone else? They have to decide if they like you and trust you first. Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay, you are here to find YOUR PEOPLE, not all the people. 


Short Form vs. Long Form

There are different types of content that you can make such as video, audio, graphics, or emails. Each platform is conducive to different types of content. What you want to do, is create your long form content first and then you can turn that into other forms of content such a short form. Long form content would be blog posts, Youtube videos, Podcasts or FB Lives. Short form content would be little snippets or teasers such as a Reel, IG Stories or a Carousel graphics.


Long Form Video Content

Let’s start with our long form content first. Choose which form works best for your business. It might be a FB Live video that you can then turn into a Youtube video and/or podcast. In my case, I start with a Podcast/Video. 


First, record your video and make sure you have good quality audio. You can get a cheap lavalier mic on Amazon that clips to your shirt if you need. Good audio will lead to better quality content. Once you film your video, take some time to edit it. Free video editing software and apps are easy to find and easy to use. You can add a title sequence or end sequence if you want, add music if you want, and then export the video.


Now that you have your long form video, you can use your video editor to extract the audio as well. Now you have two forms of content, so what can you do with that?


First, you can upload the video to Youtube. Make sure to add a thumbnail to catch your audience’s attention, and title it using keywords that your audience will be searching for. 


Now you can take that video and post it to Facebook. Similarly, if you started with a Facebook Live video, you can download it from Facebook, make any edits you want to it, and throw it up on Youtube!


From Video into Audio and More

Now that you have your content for Facebook and Youtube, you can take the audio file from your video and upload it as a podcast. Podcasting platforms can be free and you can link them to iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify and more, all for free. Now you have covered three platforms with one piece of content! 


Next we are going to turn it into a blog post. You can convert your video or audio file into a transcript which can be used as a blog. Since most of us speak in a pretty casual way, you’ll want to edit your transcript and organize your thoughts a bit. Take all those “ums” and “likes” out, separate your thoughts into paragraphs and add sub headings. Subheadings are important for SEO (search engine optimization) which helps people find you online. You can also add in some stock images to split up the text in your blog and make it look a bit better. Stock images can be pulled off of free services such as Canva.


Now you have all your long form content done! 


Turning Your Content Into An Email

Sending an email would only be reaching those people who are already on your list, instead of reaching the masses. However, it is still very important to continue nurturing your people. This helps them to know, like and trust you and to engage with your content. You can craft an email to highlight your latest episode on Youtube or your newest Podcast. You could also take an excerpt from your Blog and send that out, and include the link to Youtube in case they’d prefer to watch your content instead of read it. 


Turning Your Content Into Short Form

The next type of content you can create is an Audiogram. You can find templates for creating an audiogram on Canva for free, and then upload an excerpt from your audio file that is maybe 30 seconds long. You want to give them a teaser that will get them to want to hear the whole episode. The audiogram is downloaded as a video file and can be posted on IG, FB etc and then you can encourage them to go listen to the full episode on your podcast or Youtube.


The next type of content you can make is a Reel. Reels are short form video that are extremely popular on Instagram, TikTok and Youtube right now. You can take a snippet from your video content and upload it as a Reel onto any of these platforms or all three. You can also make a reel by using a still shot from your video and adding text over top to highlight the main points from your video. The aim is again to drive them to your website or other platforms to binge more of your long form content. 


You can also take short form clips of your video and upload them to Pinterest or LinkedIn. People use Pinterest to search for solutions to their problems so if you have the solution, they are going to find you. You can include a link to your full length video or content or drive them to your website. You can also do this with LinkedIn or Twitter, sharing an excerpt of your long form content to drive them to your full episode.


Creating Graphic Content

When you create your content, you can make graphics easily using a program like Canva. Canva has many free templates to help you repurpose your content into square graphics for Instagram or for creating Stories on IG or Facebook. 


If your video has a few points, such as “10 Ways to Repurpose Your Social Media Content” you can create a carousel. A carousel is a series of graphics that you can scroll through on Instagram. Each graphic could have one of your main points and at the end you can encourage them to check out your long form content. 


Ok so let's sum up how much content we have made from one video.

1. Facebook Live

2. Youtube

3. Podcast

4. Blog

5. Email

6. Reel

7. Pinterest

8. Carousel

9. Twitter

10. LinkedIn


Look how far your reach can go from just one piece of content!


Why Turn Your Content Into Multiple Forms?

We want to turn our content into multiple forms so we can reach people in different areas where they are hanging out. You can also take one piece of content and let that break off into other ideas that you can create topics for. How do I come up with ideas for all of this content? Well you need to be listening to your audience and understanding what their problems are, what they’re asking questions about. Are people asking your questions? Are you telling them to ask you questions? You should be! Encourage them to comment or message you with what they want to learn next or what they need help with. That will help you generate more content ideas that will interest your audience and reach more people. 


If this was valuable to you. One last tip is to take your content and reshare it again down the road. You can always go back to older content and share it again when it is relevant. There’s nothing wrong with using your content more than once! 


Before you go, I want to let you know something really exciting! I’m opening the doors for my new masterclass “How to Build a Wildly Profitable Website Without Knowing a Thing About Tech.” I have run this before for my GroWorkSpace community and they loved it so now I am opening the doors to you as well! You can get on the waitlist list now by clicking the link below! I can’t wait to see you there!


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