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The Power of Automated Funnels for Your Business (Part 4 of 6)

Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #31 - The Power of Automated Funnels for Your Business (Part 4 of 6)

automation and time-saving business strategies Sep 06, 2023

Welcome back to the podcast! Today marks an exciting juncture as we delve into part four of our immersive six-week series – a transformative journey aimed at crafting your very own blissful business.



Recap and Reconnect: Part 1, 2, and 3 In case you've just joined us, let's take a moment to catch you up. Our earlier episodes have been a revelation:

  • Part 1 uncovered the core element holding you back from business success.
  • Part 2 highlighted a crucial but often overlooked aspect of identifying your target audience and its impact on sales.
  • Part 3 unlocked the secret to creating an irresistible offer - a vital ingredient that doesn't necessarily need to be original but absolutely must be irresistible.

Step 4: Embrace the Automated Funnel Today, we're venturing into the heart of our discussion: the Automated Funnel. This episode is for you, the ambitious entrepreneur striving to gain back your freedom.

Picture this: you dream of endless time freedom, the ability to embark on spontaneous vacations, and the luxury of being present for your loved ones' life events. No more daunting to-do lists and a schedule so packed that a day of binge-watching seems like a distant fantasy.

The automated funnel holds the key to your dreams. If you're here, listening, then you're seeking more than just profit; you're in pursuit of a life well-lived.

Imagine a life where:

  • You can indulge in multiple vacations annually without requesting time off.
  • Your days are no longer bound by a never-ending list of tasks.
  • You're fully present at your children's sports events, soaking in their triumphs.
  • You become the dependable figure that takes your kids to practices and events.

The automated funnel is your liberator. It operates silently behind the scenes, providing you with the gift of time - a non-renewable resource.

Profitability: Fueling Your Dreams Of course, this idyllic scenario is incomplete without financial freedom. Your desire isn't just about time; it's about experiencing life to its fullest.


  • Dining with friends without fretting about the bill.
  • Accepting lavish dinner invitations without hesitation.
  • Making impromptu decisions to explore new destinations, like San Miguel de Allende.
  • Investing in moments that make life richer.

But remember, financial freedom isn't possible without profitability.

Holly's Success Story: Unlocking the Power of the Funnel Listen to Holly's experience. She implemented a strategic funnel in her network marketing business. The results were astounding: new customers, new team members, and more time to enjoy life.

Whether you sell courses, workshops, or products, the funnel works. It’s a tool that transforms curious individuals into devoted customers.

The Blueprint to Freedom and Profit Building a blissful business isn't about chance. It's a structured journey:

Step 1: Eager Subscribers

  • Craft an alluring freebie that resonates with your target audience.
  • Build an email list that thrives on excitement.

Step 2: Nurturing Trust

  • Position yourself as a credible authority through tailored messaging.
  • Foster a relationship based on trust.

Step 3: The Irresistible Offer

  • Present an offer that aligns with your audience's needs and desires.
  • Make your solution irresistible.

Step 4: The Automated Funnel

  • Embrace the automated funnel, your gateway to freedom.
  • Craft messages that resonate and captivate.
  • Automate the process while personalizing the journey.

Crucial Signs: A Funnel That Needs Help It's not all sunshine and rainbows. If your funnel isn't performing, you might be missing crucial aspects:

  • No sign-ups? The messaging might be off.
  • Low email open rates? Your subject lines need revamping.
  • People aren't turning into customers? Refine your offer's messaging.

The Power of a Profitable Funnel Remember, an effective funnel isn't about a passive list of subscribers; it's about active, eager customers.

Case in point: Emily launched her course to a list of 60, making over $2000. Years later, her revenue hit six figures with a single launch.

Claire and I achieved a six-figure launch with our new $1000 offer.

The Continuous Income Source Your email list is your business's future income source. Build it strategically and witness the fruits for years to come.

Ask Yourself:

  • Do you have an automated email funnel?
  • Is your funnel generating profit?
  • Are you nurturing your list?

Conclusion: A Future of Freedom and Profit Your pursuit of a blissful business is fueled by intention and strategy. An automated funnel empowers you to grow your list and convert subscribers into paying customers.

Join us next week as we explore the intricacies of messaging and marketing. Remember, a strategic funnel is the gateway to your dreams.

Don't miss out! Visit to join our journey towards a blissful business.

And mark your calendars for September 26! Our free master class, "How to Automate Your Online Business and Increase Sales While You Sleep," awaits your presence. Visit for more.

This is your path to freedom, profit, and a truly blissful business.


Part 1: The REAL Reason You Are Stuck In Your Business

Part 2: Navigating The Power of Audience Clarity and Niche Marketing

Part 3: Develop An Offer So Good It Sells Itself

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