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Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #15 - How to Get Booked as a Guest on a Podcast booking grow your audience fast growth strategies podcast podcasting Apr 10, 2024





How to Get Booked as a Guest on a Podcast


Hey there, welcome back to another episode of The Badass is the New Black podcast, where we're all about embracing imperfection and taking action. I'm Krissy Chin, your host, and today we're diving into a topic that's essential for anyone looking to expand their podcasting horizons: how to become a guest on other people's shows. I'll be sharing my top tips on crafting the perfect pitch and...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #13 How To Start A Podcast On A Shoestring Budget With Samantha Lee Wright essential oil podcast essential oil revolution niching down podcast seo successful podcasting top podcast Mar 12, 2022

Anyone with a microphone and a computer can start a podcast. No kidding. You will never believe how common it is for some of the top podcasters to start on a shoestring budget and yet rock their niche enough to get them to the top. The Essential Oil Revolution is a perfect example of such a show. From humble beginnings, Samantha Lee Wright grew the show into the number one podcast in its category in just a few weeks. Joining Krissy Chin for a chat, Samantha gets you up to speed on the most...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #11 Unlocking Your Full Potential Through Message Clarity With Adria DeCorte business sales clarity reset customer impact inspirational introvert messenger archetypes podcast Mar 12, 2022

Without knowing the values you want to uphold and the beliefs you have to stand for, connecting with people can be a bit difficult, if not impossible. But by achieving message clarity within yourself, expect that creating relationships and inspiring others will undoubtedly come your way. Krissy Chin explores this topic deeper with messaging coach, copywriter, and host of the Unforgettable PodcastAdria DeCorte. Adria explains her work in helping introverted leaders tap within...

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